The commercial print opportunity: rethink and thrive
Commercial printers make up the largest market segment of print and produce a huge range of products, from books and direct mail to brochures, manuals and magazines. But the print business is changing, with relentless increases in customer demand for shorter runs and faster turnaround times. And these bring higher associated costs.
It’s no longer about just controlling costs or trying to improve the efficiency of old business models. The future is all about adapting and adopting new ways to add value. But to understand how to do this, you first have to understand your customer. And, just as importantly, you need the back-up of intelligent processes to help you to deliver.
So what steps can you take to meet your customers’ changing expectations and still protect your bottom line? By taking decisive action, you can make the necessary changes to succeed and lay a foundation for long-term prosperity. Here are three tips to help you to thrive in the future: