"Shooting the buildings with an ultra-wide-angle lens and an aperture of f/4.5 gave a big enough depth of field to keep everything sharp, along with a shutter speed of 1/125th of a second," says Kym of this image entitled Look Up. "That's easily fast enough for wide-angle handheld shooting without a tripod." © Kym Moseley
Expanding your creativity is key to improving in photography. Learning to experiment with style and trying out new techniques can lead to bold and often surprising results. Kym Moseley is a keen advocate of playing with ideas, which he then shares with his many followers on TikTok.
Recently, Kym pushed his creativity to the limit by setting himself a photographic challenge every day for a week and documenting the challenge in a TikTok tutorial. Here, Kym shares the seven different techniques he used and reveals the creative thought process behind each of his striking final shots.